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Barley grass fragrance | Wanshdia Wheat first batch in the second half of the year of barley grass powder is ready, Order as soon as possible!
Source: Time:2018-12-03 Hits:883

     On November 30th, we walked into the ecological planting base of Wanshdia Wheat in Hangzhou Bay and saw the real scene of barley grass harvesting. In the past two decades of planting time, Wanshida's staff has explored the experience of planting barley grass from breeding to seedling, fertilizing to harvesting. Every attempt and every failure is the best success.

     The base covers an area of more than 2,000 acres and includes regular barley/wheat/oat grass and organic grass. This planting base is formed by land reclamation. It is only 20 kilometers away from the coastline. The groundwater is connected to the seawater. Therefore, the base does not need any irrigation facilities. It is these unique advantages that Wanshida can produce products with quality higher than the export level.

     It is located in the Ningshao Plain area at 30 degrees north latitude. The climate is pleasant and the four seasons are distinct. Compared with the northern area, the barley grass here mature earlier and can be planted twice a year.We do not use any pesticides in the planting to ensure the natural quality of the barley grass.

     We insist on manual harvesting, which can effectively avoid the pollution caused by machine harvesting. For manual harvesting, you need to compete with time. Every grass of Washida will enter the processing center as quickly as possible after harvesting, ensuring that the nutrients of the barley grass are retained to the maximum extent.

     A good source makes good products, and good products make good sales. Now Wanshida first batch of grass of the second half 2018 has been successfully harvested and processed. The quality is excellent, the smell is pleasant, and the color is nice green. MasterCard warmly welcome new and old customers to come to order.

Address :Shaoxing Shangyu wheat co.,ltd.
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