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【W(wǎng)anshida Wheat】Merry Christmas with Green Juice!
Source: Time:2019-12-25 Hits:703

     One week left in 2019 . 

     Haven't fulfill for this year, it's that I haven't spent Christmas with you. After all, half of the world beautiful, warm taste, belong to this holiday . 

     The Christmas Bell is about to ring, Santa Claus put on green clothes, meaning to bring life, For this holiday Christmas Green is indispensable. So the theme of this year's Christmas special is green, and you'd think it is matcha. No, it's not. The festival limits, the thing rare is expensive, it must be different!  

     With Chinese Wolfberry in your thermos cup, young health preserver as you,must have heard of the name of green juice . 

     This year, many brands of health tea are popular in the network, they add health medicine in the tea. The composed dink of green juice + coconut water + cucumber green juice is refreshing to the extreme. 

     Fried Chicken left-hand, fat-scraping water right handed, eliminate the guilt of fat, is popular with young female consumers. It's no exaggeration to say that green juice is a treasure. 

     Nutritionists found: plant juice is not only rich in chlorophyll, but also contains more abundant flavonoids than other mature plants, it has a health effect on the human body, suitable for long-term drinking.It is rich in dietary fiber, chlorophyll, mineral elements and SOD active enzymes ,which are beneficial to the human body: Dietary Fiber makes the intestinal smooth ; Minerals supplement the human microelements; SOD active enzyme as a natural enemy of free radicals, helps anti-aging. 

     Tips Suitable for .  Tips Suitable for .People who do not consume enough fresh vegetables every day People who often have dinner in restaurant. People who eat fast food People who need to supplement natural vitamins People who have excessive toxin in bodies caused by improper diet and living habits. People who are trying to loss weight and need a balanced diet.


     Cups of green juice are packed with nutrients, and may even help us to supplement dietary fiber when our intake of vegetables is not enough .Green juice is mainly made from barley grass, when the barley grass grows to 20-30 cm high, which contains the most nutrients, so it is selected as raw material.Health preserving, popular, and good-looking green juice powder, we have found for you! This barley green juice powder from Wanshida Wheat company. 

     Selected barley seedlings and mulberry leaves, rich in chlorophyll and dietary fiber; pure bright Green; fine powder, no particle feeling; refreshing grass fragrance; balanced nutrition, low calories, evening drinking milk tea wont gain fat. But in many people's impression, green juice is bitter, hard to drink, but after mixing, I believe you will love this fragrance. 

Address :Shaoxing Shangyu wheat co.,ltd.
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