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Guidelines for returning to work and epidemic prevention
Source: Time:2020-02-11 Hits:648

    Pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection Prevention and Control Knowledge Manual. 

        The outbreak of pneumonia in the new era of coronavirus is affecting the hearts of millions of people. After a long holiday, the work of returning to work is about to begin. How to prevent and control the new coronavirus on the way to work? How to do factory work? How to do office work? How to do it on the way to work? Next, please follow this guide.

       How to do it on the way to work?

        Try to drive or ride to work and avoid public transportation. If you need to take public transportation (including carpooling), please keep wearing masks throughout the journey, and try to avoid touching the vehicle items with your hands on the way.

        How to do the work before entering the company?

        For the health and safety of you and your colleagues, please accept the temperature measurement before entering the company. If the body temperature exceeds 37.3 ℃, please do not enter. Inform the department head and the administrative department of the company as soon as possible, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention team to carry out relevant isolation inspection.

       How to do it in the office?

       The office environment must be kept clean and ventilated at least three times a day for 20-30 minutes each time. Keep warm during ventilation. The office distance between people shall be kept more than 1 meter as far as possible, and close contact and discussion of problems are strictly prohibited. Keep the mask on all the way. Wash hands frequently, correctly and drink more water.. 

      How to do public areas of the company?

       The company disinfects the public space of Hall / corridor / Elevator / conference room / Tea Room / toilet, and disinfects as much as possible. Cleaning tools in each area shall be separated as far as possible to avoid mixing.

        How do the company's logistics personnel do it?

        All logistics personnel must wear masks when working and keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter from people. Cleaning personnel shall also wear disposable gloves when working. After work, wash hands and disinfect, and put the used disposable gloves into the designated sanitary garbage can. The security personnel must wear the mask correctly, inquire the information of the visitors carefully and register it, and report any abnormality in time.

       How to do official visit?

       It is necessary to wear a mask. When entering the building / workshop, it is necessary to cooperate with the staff to measure the temperature. Those with abnormal temperature are not allowed to enter the office building / workshop. In addition to temperature test, it is also necessary to introduce whether there is contact with people from Hubei Province in the near future. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate whether there is any fever / cough / poor breathing and other symptoms. Under normal conditions, you can enter the office building / workshop.. 

     How to circulate documents?

      Wash your hands before and after passing the paper documents. Wear a mask and keep a proper distance when passing the documents. How to do telephone disinfection? Wipe the landline twice a day with 75% alcohol (once after work and once before work). If you use it frequently, you can wipe it several times more.

     How to deal with discarded masks?

     Waste masks, disposable gloves and other protective articles shall be put into the designated sanitary garbage cans, and 75% alcohol shall be used twice a day to disinfect the garbage cans.

     How to do it on the way to work?

     Replace the mask, put the waste mask into the designated dustbin with cover, wash hands, and replace the disposable mask to go out. Keep a certain distance from other people on the road and try to avoid touching objects. When you get home, first wash your hands and disinfect after removing the mask. Use a disinfectant wet towel or 75% alcohol to wipe your cell phone and key. Keep the room clean, warm and airy, and avoid meeting with many people.

    How to choose masks in public?

    Useless: Paper Mask / cotton mask / sponge mask / activated carbon mask; Use: medical surgical mask (to prevent respiratory tract infection to some extent / mark the medical surgical mask on the outer package); N95 / kn95 respirator (to prevent droplet infection caused by patient's body fluid / filter up to 95% / try to choose one without respiratory valve) All personnel in the plant Masks must be worn by all staff, all day and all the way. In the plant area, it is not allowed to hook up, do not gather, and keep a proper distance for conversation. Report to the department leader or the administrative department of the company as soon as any abnormality is found. The company's epidemic prevention team shall immediately take emergency medical treatment measures.. 

     One week left in 2019 . 

    As long as we take preventive measures to reduce the spread of the epidemic, this "no smoke war" will be defeated by us. Go China! Come on, Wuhan!  

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