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Do you drink right?
Source: Time:2020-07-22 Hits:558

July 22, 2020

the 2nd day of the sixth lunar month

On this day of great heat,

It's hot.

It's not only hot, but also thunderstorms,

Before and after the great heat,

It's not the weather that's the hottest,

It's green juice.

Qingzhi: I'm not afraid of heat. It's barley seedlings that are afraid of heat.

Barley seedling, sex: male and female;

Height: 20cm ~ 30cm;

Age: 3-5 months;

Hobbies: suitable temperature;

dvantages: rich dietary fiber;

Disadvantages: afraid of heat.

Why is green juice afraid of heat?

Who is not afraid of the heat, stand up and let me have a look!


 Among the Chinese people,

Every summer,

There will be a big play for more than 40 days

——Spend the bitter summer in peace

Eat the bitter summer in peace

In summer, people are prone to heavy head pain and brain pain,

Easy to depression, fatigue, chest tightness, poor appetite.

Don't eat too much,

Because under the interaction of moisture and hot gas,

Easy constipation, stool appears yellow and smelly.

What should be done?

After the heat stroke, the diet should be light, eat more food rich in dietary fiber, easy to digest, promote defecation. Of course, in this season, the most popular digestive food is green juice! Rich dietary fiber can be called the Benwei of dietary fiber.

Drink the bitter summer

In the summer,

Nature's Yang Qi changes from prosperity to decline,

People's Yang Qi leaks out, which easily leads to deficiency of vitality,

The function of the body is seriously decreased.

If you sweat too much, it will hurt your body fluid,

Make immunity drop, let cold take advantage of deficiency.

What should be done?

Drink more water, drink more water. Although drinking more water will cause some discomfort, in addition to drinking more water, you can also drink more green juice! Green juice can be mixed with honey or yogurt to relieve summer heat. Before and after the big heat, let water and green juice have the most perfect partner!

Spend the summer in peace

It's the hottest time in the three seasons,

Minimize outdoor entertainment or strenuous exercise,

In summer,

Be a beautiful man quietly,

Don't let yourself go sweating,

Avoid heatstroke

What should be done?

Exercise, try to choose a cool time point, such as morning or evening. Exercise, pay attention to timely supplement water, avoid the occurrence of heatstroke. Of course, you can also prepare more green juice and Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid, which can relieve the summer heat!


Enjoy the hard summer

It's very hot,

It is easy to excite people and cause blood pressure to rise,

It is easy to induce

Hypertension, myocardial infarction and other diseases,

It will also lead to

Gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory diseases, etc.

What should be done?

To consciously adjust the mood, do not be happy and sad! In particular, patients with cerebrovascular disease and hypertension should keep a calm mood to reduce the risk of disease attack. For the elderly, it is suggested that they should play chess, drink green juice, read newspapers and listen to dramas. They should have their own children~

Sleep through the bitter summer

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short,

The temperature is also higher at night,

Affect sleep quality,

In the long run, it is easy to cause the imbalance of yin and Yang,

Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease attack.

What should be done?

It is suggested that adults should ensure 7 hours of high-quality sleep every day to maintain the normal operation of body functions. You can drink green juice before going to bed and have a good night's sleep~


 Summer is a season of fragrant fruits and melons,

Naturally, there is no shortage of sunken melons and plums,

But we should also eat less and eat less,

Health is the most important thing!


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