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Wanshida News - Huang Junyi, deputy district head, led a team to MasterCard wheat to carry out pre holiday safety production and epidemic prevention and control inspection.
Source: Time:2022-01-26 Hits:510

 In order to do a solid job in production safety and epidemic prevention and control in the whole region before the festival and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, Huang Junyi, deputy district head, and his party visited Shaoxing Shangyu Wanshida wheat Co., Ltd. to carry out production safety and epidemic prevention and control inspection, accompanied by Mr. Xia Guodong, general manager of the company.

 The inspection team went to the cultural exhibition hall on the first floor, the office area on the second floor and the workshop on the third floor to check one by one, focusing on the implementation of the safety production responsibility system for fire safety, food safety, electricity and fire, so as to ensure the safe and orderly development of all work.

 During the inspection, Huang Junyi stressed that as the Spring Festival is approaching, the whole plant must improve their ideological understanding, perform their duties, strictly implement various measures for epidemic prevention and control, ensure that there are no mistakes in epidemic prevention and control, pay close attention to safety production, carry out safety self-inspection, strengthen safety production management, and ensure that all employees of the plant spend a safe and peaceful Spring Festival.

 Through this inspection of safety production and epidemic prevention and control, the safety responsibility consciousness of the whole plant personnel of our factory has been further improved, the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control has been firmly established, the potential safety accidents have been effectively prevented, and a strong guarantee has been provided for creating a safe, clean and orderly production environment.

Address :Shaoxing Shangyu wheat co.,ltd.
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