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Our company successfully passed ISO22000 food safety management system certification
Source: Time:2018-03-21 Hits:888

    Recently, Wanshida has successfully passed ISO22000 food safety management system certification.

    ISO22000 refers to the 2005 Food Safety Management SystemISO22000:2005 food safety management system, which is the basis for organization certification and registration. It is an authoritative food safety certification in the food industry and is the latest food safety management system promulgated by the International Organization for Standardization. The entire process of production, reception and product processing is controlled.

    The scope of ISO22000 food safety management system certification of our company includes Food safety management in the production of solid beverage (plant solid beverage, flavored solid beverage), instant food (others), tea product (tea powder (green tea)), leaf substitute tea (others).

    The certification of the ISO22000 system further proves the strength of our company and is also a spur to the future growth and growth of the company. The acquisition of this honor will inspire our company to work harder in the future and continue to strengthen the strength of operations management and quality supervision so that the company will step to a new development platform.

    our company will strictly implement the food safety management system. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the product quality and enterprise management standard system,Wanshida will integrate the food safety factors into the supply chain in daily operations and production management. In the management business standards, the standardized system standards are also integrated into the staff assessment training and daily standardization behavior.

    On the occasion of 315 Consumer Rights Day, Wanshida will take this opportunity to further strengthen quality management, improve product quality, ensure food safety, and provide consumers with more assured food. 



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